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Machine OSP


Even before excluding the lead from the production, we started to look for the possibility how to limit the use of HAL. At first we solved the problem of gilding and then we started to look for a cheaper alternative for HALed one-sided PCBs. Our choice was the OSP. We didn´t want any bath process that would need another worker. The line had to be the horizontal one.
We ordered it by the slovak PPT Co. represented by Ing. Loebl. The line was delivered in June 2006. The line consits of water ultrasonic cleaner, where the dust from the boards is removed.

Then follow the drying module, the inspection module, the microetcher, washing and the OSP bath. The process finishes with drying and stacking the boards into the magazine. The machine is operated by an employee from the expedition department, who afterwards packs the boards.OSP line

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