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The advantages of e-orders:

  • We offer ordering our products the easiest way and get immediately the total price for the PCB. At the same time you can take part on building the price. You can download our pricelist. You can involve the final price by changing the amount and date of delivery.
  • If you decide to place an order, you can do it electronically. E-correspondence includes e-confirmation of your order, the price and date of delivery.
  • Even without an obligatory order you can ask about our production possibilities.
  • It holds your file with each type of PCB and when you want to order a certain one, you just fill in the required amount and date of delivery.
  • We offer an express delivery of test samples without an extra fee for registered clients.


E-shopping shorters the time needed for the production. We are able to start the production immediately after receiving your order. Day-orders accepted till 4 p.m. are processed the same day and drilling is done during the night. The next day your PCBs proceed into production. Our pricelist informs you about the production conditions, guides you through the setting and gives the final price.


From our websites you can download either the pricelist and use it independently for your own information or the whole e-shop SW and fully use it. The next part informs how to use the e-shop.

Your definite order has to hold firm data for the business contact. You give these in the Registration part.
It is necessary to fill in this part and add your password when ordering for the first time.
The same goes for customers that are already included in our database.
We reciprocally correct the data and confirm your password. Then you use only your name and password to get in contact with us. This first confirmation is important to avoid confusions. Otherwise the administrator rejects the data as ilegal.
Stating your e-mail address is taken for granted.
Gradual PCB orders are possible. The name and design of the PCB is displayed during your selecting from the file under the pricelist.

Button „Print“ prints the order for your internal use. The date and time are registered on both sides. If you mark in the pricelist – the production from your own data, then the data files are added to the order.

After downloading the pricelist you can get off-line and all the data stay reserved in a source block.
You can be off-line during the work with the pricelist and assortment.
Then get on-line and we receive the information immediately.
Your data is saved in our server and after coming on-line, the data is automatically restored in your PC.
If you want to change the data, call our operator. After getting on-line again, the data will be updated.

The price is calculated from the basic delivery term of two weeks.
The correct price is calculated after marking the amount, dimensions and surface design.
The order is set up from the data in the pricelist. During filling in the price list notice the warning about possible mistakes.
When filling in each patch, use key TAB and decimanl point (not comma). The measurement of the pcb requires the X x Y form.
Careful check is recommended before sending your order. Buton „Back“ returns you to the pricelist.

Test samples

We offer an express delivery of two test samples without an extra fee for registered clients:
You state the delivery date and the price is according to the pricelist.
The express fee for your samples will be taken off from the first regular price of the following sequal order.
(Valid when the amount exceeds 10times the price of the samples.)

Please pay great attention to our answer, the whole production will follow the data given in the price list.

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