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The PCB design is performed by Mr. Zdenek Vojtechovsky at Markom Co. established in our building.


The customer states his demands and describes the function of the final product.

The scheme can be designed by Markom as well.

The PCB itself has to be discussed very thoroughly:

- the dimension, the supply and working voltage, the ambiente influence, types of the components and their packages, cost and weight, the construction type of the PCB, the production method, volume and testing /especially with the microprocessors/.

Onesided low price PCBs are limited to simple circuits, to a different position of the components and mechanically. Several tracks can be replaced by wire jumpers, but it makes the price for the assembly higher. On the contrary the price for the twosided PCB could be sometimes more economical.

The printed circuit is designed by the SW CAD FORMICA . Printed produces the prototypes that are produced and tested by Markom. If the customer is satisfied the production can start.

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