Printed s.r.o.: Českolipská 1449, Mělník, Tel.: +420 315 670 137, Fax: +420 315 671 495, E-mail:

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Production spectrum

  • We use highly modern technological equipment which allows us to produce the whole sortiment of PCBs.
  • We produce flex-boards, on HF-carriers and on alu--backplanes including backplane maschine tooling.
  • We produce etched screenpanels for applying solder masks. We provide deep etching of metals.
  • We gild the whole motiv of PCB and we are able to gild the parts that are necessary for the construction and complementaion of the whole product.
  • We can take part on the development of special client-products and technology.
  • Highly qualified employees work on top CAM-working places with sofisticated software. We accept data generated by your CAD systems.
  • The whole production process is suppervised by our proprietery SW . All orders are tracked and we can guarantee promissed term of delivery.
  • We are able to complete the whole product starting with the schematics, via layout and PCB production to final construction.
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